Physics Student Association RMIT

The Physics Student Association is an academic club at RMIT for students studying physics at all academic levels at RMIT

Memberships are now open for 2024. Become a member now.

The aims of the Association are: • Improving learning/research culture by holding regular events for students to meet with other students of other year levels and with faculty staff • Promoting gender equality in physics by having a designated Women in Physics chair that will organise events (women only and all inclusive), • Disseminate information, and act as an intermediary between external and internal news on Women in Physics/Women in STEM and • Hosting industry nights and other activities where we have external people working in physics or with their physics degree to come in and give students an idea of what steps they took / what to do The Association hopes to run a variety of social and professional development activities. 2024 Membership is now open ! All 2023 members, please re-join for 2024. New members, we look forward to meeting you - please join! Link to join/re-join is in the menu. For sponsorship and all other inquiries, please email us at The Association also has a Facebook page - link at right of this page
