Learn More About What We Stand For

Socialist Alternative (SA) Club

Our members have produced a number of articles, talks and more for both those who are new to socialist politics and those who have been investigating socialism for ages. Check them out below.

Red Flag Newspaper is an independent newspaper written by activists across Australia, including RMIT student activists and alumni. It covers not just what's going wrong in the world but discusses what activists and socialists can do about it and puts forward political arguments from a revolutionary socialist perspective. Many of the articles are online but you can also subscribe to get physical or digital copies of the full newspaper, released every two weeks. Red Flag also has a compilation of the best articles for people who are new to Marxist and socialist politics and have questions about what we stand for.

MarxTalks is an archive of over 700 recorded talks by Marxists, socialists and members of Socialist Alternative from various socialist conferences in Australia. The website is still a work in progress, but for those who find listening easier than reading, its a goldmine of radical politics.

The Marxism Conference is a staple event for our club each year over the Easter Weekend. It is the biggest annual conference on the radical left in Australia. Running across four days with over 100 sessions, the conference attracts more than 1,000 participants to discuss history, theory, strategy, and activity to change the world. There's nothing that compares to being in a room of over a thousand people who think the world is messed up and want to do something to change it.

Red Flag Radio is a podcast featuring discussion and analyses of politics, history, theory and activism from a radical revolutionary socialist perspective. It is produced by Roz Ward who is an RMIT PhD student in education, co-creator of the Safe Schools program and Equal Love founder, and Liam Ward who is an RMIT lecturer who has done extensive research on anti-Asian racism in Australian history. They interview activists and journalists who have been on the ground in mass demonstrations and revolutions across the world, as well as activists involved in amazing struggles in history.


Most importantly, we regularly run face-to-face small group discussions and reading groups on campus and around the city for left-wing people who want to investigate socialist and Marxist politics and get involved.

Message us on facebook, instagram or text or call us on 0430 452 366 to set up a time to meet up. We run these exclusively for people who are left-wing and/or considering getting involved - if you're a right-winger interested in a debate, we recommend attending our conferences instead (or check out the debate with the IPA on socialism vs capitalism here).